Helping out Kick-Mix Productions, setting up for LMFAO
Last Tuesday, Prodigy stepped in to help out with Kick-Mix Productions to setup for the LMFAO show at UCI. It was a small setup, but definitely exciting with the concert going on. We’re huge followers of LMFAO here at Prodigy, and was stoked to be able to watch the show up close and meet them in person. I quickly went over the pictures and pulled out some that I liked. Enjoy!
Some of our favorite fans. Thanks for the pose guys.
Center of the crowd shot.
Chris and Kedar regulating and making sure everything is going as planned.
LMFAO up close and personal!
Crowd view
Killin’ it on the effects
Definitely enjoying the show from backstage
Kedar capturing every moment of it
Fans running up on stage, grabbing a quick shot
VIP status here!
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